Power-to-X – Business Development

This module focus on the business case of Power-to-X from the OWI perspective.The offshore wind industry plays a huge role in the development of the Power-to-X industry but not only as a supplier of renewable energy but also in the development of new “offshore wind to hydrogen concepts”. The aim of the course is to develop an understanding of future technological wind power solutions and thereby contribute to the further innovation and implementation of relevant PtX solutions in a business context.

The key learning of this module is to enable the students to analyze the energy market with specific focus on wind energy and PtX in order to develop a business model for a specific firm represented by an actual case taking the value chain into consideration.

Learning Goals:

  • Provide insight into the challenges of the new PtX market. Focusing on especially on challenges like the lack of green energy, bottlenecks with new technologies such as electrolyzes, infrastructure for hydrogen, the regulatory environment.
  • Identifying opportunities in the PtX market. Learning more about sector coupling, funding options, storage  
  • Discussion about global potential and global influence factors
  • Consideration of the new Power-to-X value chain and value capture
  • The Financial dimension – what is the financial business case behind P2X
  • The change of the core business of the OWI industry (from electricity to hydrogen and green fuels)
  • The technical and economic considerations and framework conditions
  • Cooperation and division of roles in the new value chain
  • Who are the off-takers (customers)
  • The international PtX trends


Dr. Lisbeth Brøde Jepsen

Power-to-X Business Development Manager at FORCE Technology

Palle Mørkøre 

Executive master of digital transformation and strategic foresight

Lars Henrik Riis

General Management, Power-to-X, at Siemens Energy
